Craig Persiko's Links for Students

Here are some links to software and information I recommend for my students. Please e-mail me if you have others you think I should add to the list.

Sources of Information and Help

Terminal Emulators / Telnet (to connect to servers such as

  • SSH Secure Shell Windows client (Non-commercial version) - a feature-rich widows application that even has its own Secure FTP companion. The above link is to download it directly from the CCSF Software Archives.
  • PuTTY - a free terminal emulator that supports both Telnet and SSH, color-codes its display, and allows you to scroll the display. SSH is more secure than Telnet, so use it if you can.
  • Fugu - a free terminal emulator for the Macintosh, which supports SSH for greater security.

Text Editors for Writing Code

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Programs (to transfer files to/from servers such as

Compression Utilities (ZIP format)

Virus Protection

Textbook Options to Save Money

  • CCSF has a book loan program.
  • Most textbooks are available in CCSF's Rosenberg Library, at the Reserve Desk - ask by course number. Generally you can just use the book for about 2 hours, in the library.
  • Electronic versions of textbooks can often be found at for about half the retail price of a printed textbook.
  • Most textbooks can be found online at sites such as used or new, for less money than they cost at the campus book store.
  • allows you to rent textbooks.


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Last updated: 6/12/13