Homework 11: Courses and Test Scores

Objective: To write a program to use a 2-D list to store test scores for multiple courses

Write a program that uses a 2-dimensional list (a list of lists) to store all the test scores in all of a student's classses. The program should work for any number of courses, with any number of tests for each course. It should then display the average test score for each course, and the highest average score. Here is some sample output:
[cpersiko@fog cs110a]$ python3 CourseAverages.py.txt 
How many courses are you taking? 4
How many tests are in course number 1? 2
What was your score on test 1 for course 1? 85
What was your score on test 2 for course 1? 99
How many tests are in course number 2? 4
What was your score on test 1 for course 2? 75
What was your score on test 2 for course 2? 85
What was your score on test 3 for course 2? 90
What was your score on test 4 for course 2? 95
How many tests are in course number 3? 1
What was your score on test 1 for course 3? 88
How many tests are in course number 4? 3
What was your score on test 1 for course 4? 80
What was your score on test 2 for course 4? 88
What was your score on test 3 for course 4? 82
The average for course 1 is 92.00
The average for course 2 is 86.25
The average for course 3 is 88.00
The average for course 4 is 83.33
The highest average score is 92.00

[cpersiko@fog cs110a]$ python3 CourseAverages.py.txt 
How many courses are you taking? 2
How many tests are in course number 1? 3
What was your score on test 1 for course 1? 70
What was your score on test 2 for course 1? 80
What was your score on test 3 for course 1? 90
How many tests are in course number 2? 4
What was your score on test 1 for course 2? 75
What was your score on test 2 for course 2? 80
What was your score on test 3 for course 2? 85
What was your score on test 4 for course 2? 90
The average for course 1 is 80.00
The average for course 2 is 82.50
The highest average score is 82.50
[cpersiko@fog cs110a]$

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