Homework 7: Rock-Paper-Scissors

Objective: To play the rock-paper-scissors game.

This program should play the rock-paper-scissors game, which is where the player picks either rock, paper, or scissors, the computer does the same, and then one of the following happen:

If the user enters invalid input, your program should say so, otherwise it will output one of the above results. You should randomly generate a number to determine the computer's move.

Here is some sample output:

[cpersiko@fog cs110a]$ python3 rps.py.txt 
Please enter your move: Paper, Rock, or Scissors: Paper
Computer's move is Paper
Tie with Paper!
[cpersiko@fog cs110a]$ python3 rps.py.txt 
Please enter your move: Paper, Rock, or Scissors: paper
Computer's move is Scissors
Computer Wins! Scissors cut Paper!!
[cpersiko@fog cs110a]$ python3 rps.py.txt
Please enter your move: Paper, Rock, or Scissors: scissors
Computer's move is Scissors
Tie with Scissors!
[cpersiko@fog cs110a]$ python3 rps.py.txt
Please enter your move: Paper, Rock, or Scissors: Scissor
Computer's move is Paper
You Win! Scissors Cut Paper!!
[cpersiko@fog cs110a]$ python3 rps.py.txt
Please enter your move: Paper, Rock, or Scissors: rock
Computer's move is Paper
Computer Wins! Paper Covers Rock!!
[cpersiko@fog cs110a]$ python3 rps.py.txt
Please enter your move: Paper, Rock, or Scissors: r
Computer's move is Scissors
Invalid move!!
[cpersiko@fog cs110a]$ 

Here are the rules: